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Villa Adriana (Tivoli, 25 km east of Rome)

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Villa Adriana (Tivoli, 25 km east of Rome)

villa Adriana, Largo Marguerite Yourcenar, 1, 00010 Tivoli RM

Hadrian's Villa (Villa Adriana) is a magnificent imperial residence spread in area of 80 hectares. Since 1999 it is listed in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The villa was built during the reign of Emperor Hadrian Publius Aelia in the years 117-133 AD, approx. 35 km southeast of Rome, near the river Anio. Tivoli (ancient Tibur) at that time was the popular resort of wealthy Romans (Catullus, Horace, Augustus, Maecenas). Visitors can see there replicas of famous Greek and Egyptian work, totally about 500 statues, fountains, fountains, fine mosaics, frescoes: geometric patterns, hunting scenes, etc.. Ceilings are usually propped decorative arches columns of different styles.


Overall score 10th

3.5 of 5 stars 1 people have rated

value to visit 2.5 of 5
easy to reach 4.5 of 5

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Umberto 45 points

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value to visit 2.5 of 5
easy to reach 4.5 of 5
Villa Adriana, is really a pplace to go, unique even if it is not so easy to reach. where else you could find places from all over the roman empire which were selected by emperor Adriano? A little bit of Greece, something fron Egipt... ans so on..if it is not so hot it is a really relaxing place..Have fun ..

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