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Arnaldo Giuliani 61 years old
Live in Italy 45 points

My last rating



Food in Roma


architecture 2.5 of 5
gastronomy 4.5 of 5
nightlife 3.5 of 5
culture 4.5 of 5
prices 1.5 of 5
safety 3.5 of 5
I live nearby Roma, so partially, at least, I should know the city. I thought what I could add with my comments. The first thing I thought about is food, these are my suggestions... In Italy you, IMHO, will find the best food in world any many many pleasant surprises. But not in Rome, so you need to be carefull about your choises.My point is the Roma is too turistic, therefore the everage trattoria and restaurants offer very basic food in particular close to the main turistic places. Spaghetti alla bolognese are something that a real roman never ever will order in Roma. I was never pleasantly surprised by a restaurant which I did not know or was not reccomanded to me. So my strong suggestion to you is to rearch for suggestions and opinions. That's also why this BTF site is doing a great job by collection opinions and suggestions about food in the main cities. In Roma there are also many good pizzerias and trattoria, do not get me wrong, but study before you go. The offer is so big that chances you are lucky are minimal. All the places listed here are good places, I know most of them, please add more to the list.....



architecture 2.5 of 5
gastronomy 4.5 of 5
nightlife 3.5 of 5
culture 4.5 of 5
prices 2.5 of 5
safety 4.5 of 5
I know Praga well, I was there first maybe 15 years ago but I Always go bak more and more. and now I can compare how it was and how it is now. It is realy a beautifull city But i do enjoy the high standard of living there. Italians are really fashinated by Praga, everybody has been there or is planning to go; and I repeat to them the living there is reaaly good and still there is no stress like in many italian cities. public transport work well and u can go everywhere (my favorite is to take train to the castle for exaplle) . Food was good but now is even better even if I noticed tha restaurant like to have more sophisticad menus, (but why?? go back to the traditional food is so good...). Maybe I will add specific suggestions to the city but my problem is "Prosciutto di Praga" which is famous in Italy ... where is It ?? I am not able to find almost in no restaurant !! Go to Praga anyway :)





location 3.5 of 5
ambience 3.5 of 5
quality of a drink/food 2.5 of 5
fun 3.5 of 5
P eiz is really "tradition" in Munich,maybe more than Marienplatz I guess will stay for ever, I never saw a place like this to survive more than 30 - 40 years... in any other city..long life to P1 :)



I agree


location 3.5 of 5
visual aspects 3.5 of 5
atmosphere 3.5 of 5
quality of the food 2.5 of 5
staff 2.5 of 5
I fully agree with the suggestion for our Lady, do not miss this place, atmosphere and food... Cod fish is great !!



Go there


value to visit 2.5 of 5
easy to reach 4.5 of 5
Villa Adriana, is really a pplace to go, unique even if it is not so easy to reach. where else you could find places from all over the roman empire which were selected by emperor Adriano? A little bit of Greece, something fron Egipt... ans so on..if it is not so hot it is a really relaxing place..Have fun ..



What a view


location 4.5 of 5
visual aspects 4.5 of 5
atmosphere 2.5 of 5
quality of the food 3.5 of 5
staff 3.5 of 5
I can only say: "go there for the view", it is really something special if u want to see downtown and old square... You can not miss it..the food is good, people are friendly, price is reasonable, all is ok... but I go there and there again because of the view :) I am addicted.



location 3.5 of 5
visual aspects 4.5 of 5
atmosphere 2.5 of 5
quality of the food 3.5 of 5
staff 3.5 of 5
Fortunato is very well known in Roma, it is an institution since Caesar. It has Always enjoyed the mith to be a place where politician, lobbists and so on meet and have lunch. I was there recently, fo dinner, and I have to tell you that I like the place and the food. Maybe it was dinner, but the place was quiet, staff friendly (in Roma it is not granted) and alost cosy even if the place is not designed to be cosy. And the food was well done or even more than well done. It is a little bit expensive but not too much. So I do suggest to go there, and I am a little bit surpreised to reccomand this but it is orth.
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