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Alfonso 55 years old
Live in Spain 65 points

My last rating



value to visit 5 of 5
easy to reach 5 of 5
Although I am not a Christian I always visit churches when I travel because I am interested in history and architecture. And I can say that the Gothic St. Vitus is one of the most impressive buildings in the world. The grandiose interior looks similar like in Notre Dame in Paris. It is even more interesting if you go inside with a guide who will explain the history. Just unpleasant is that you will be surrounded by crowd and noise. But anyway you must see it! Also exterior is fascinating and walking in Prague Castle´s aisles especially in the evening when there is less tourists is something really special.



Agency rating:

comunication 5 of 5
photos accuracy 4 of 5

Companion rating:

language skills 4.5 of 5
appearance 4 of 5
behaviour 5 of 5
service quality 3.5 of 5
I used this service several times and the manager Alice is really a very nice, special lady. She is smart, good English, very polite and professional. She advised to me very good restaurants and what to do in the evening (she suggested so-called "Black theatre" and live Jazz in the boat - both was a good idea). I was fully satisfied also with the girls-companions who I met (during a longer period) - Juliette, Caroline and Jessica. All these three girls spoke English very well and I had feeling that they are really enjoy what they do. For sure I will use this service again.



architecture 3.5 of 5
gastronomy 3.5 of 5
nightlife 5 of 5
culture 4 of 5
prices 2.5 of 5
safety 3 of 5
It is a special city lying on the water - everywhere canals, harbors.... and also thousands of old bicycles! Dutches are friendly and it is great that even a tram driver or homeless lying on the street spoke in English quite well! It is a great example for people on the South of Europe (there not many people speak English well on the south). In Amsterdam you feel freedom! You can go to a coffee shop to smoke marihuana, you can go to the Red light district to see any kind of girl (from prettiest to ungliest, slim, fet, white, yellow, black... whatever :-) ) or you can go to some clinic a pay for an euthanasie (if you are seriously ill) :-). Sorry, if it is too much for you - excuse my black humour :-). But OK, seriously: I visited the Heineken beer museum - very interesting and I went for a boat trip through the canals. Unfortunately I didn´t more free time for other things. Hopefully next time but not in wintet timr, it is too cold for me.



value to visit 5 of 5
easy to reach 5 of 5
Walking through the Red light disctrict is fun and interesting even for people who aren´t interested in any type of this service. There were a lot of tourist (not only men, also women) just walking and looking to the windows with girls (I am not sure if girls were happy about all people just gazing and not asking for their service :-)). You can see there very pretty sluts but also very ugly, slim/fet, yellow, white, black.... You can visit there also a live show theatre, buy some aphrodisiac (e.g. Spanish fly) or T-shirt with Zigmund Freud´s quatation in a souvenir shop. Just you can´t take a photo of any girl in a window. One of them (when I opened my camera) aggressively threw a canned Coca-Cola on me. She doesn´t mind to be almost naked in a window but she doesn´t like to be in my collection of photos..:-). OK, so after this experience I went to a stationary shop and I bought at least a postcard of the Red light district.



architecture 3.5 of 5
gastronomy 3.5 of 5
nightlife 3 of 5
culture 3 of 5
prices 2 of 5
safety 5 of 5
I agree with a previous reviewer Dean that the countryside near Frankfurt is very pitoresque. If you have one day free and you like nature and castles for sure go either individually alone or for an organize trip out of Frankfurt. I was very surprised how Germany can be beautiful!



Agency rating:

comunication 5 of 5
photos accuracy 5 of 5

Companion rating:

language skills 4.5 of 5
appearance 4 of 5
behaviour 4.5 of 5
service quality 3.5 of 5
When I was in Berlin I booked a Czech girl for 24 hrs from my favourite Czech agency Alit Group. Everything was smooth and perfect. The companion (because plane tickets were too expensive and time schedule wasn´t convenient) arrived by train (I think it takes about 4-5 hrs from Prague) so then the price was very reasonable. We did a small sightseeing and then we relaxed in the hotel pool but other details I will let for myself :-).



value to visit 5 of 5
easy to reach 5 of 5
If you have a couple of hours free time I can recommend you to go to see Reichstag. It is downtown, next to the Wall and near Unter den Linden strasse. It is a very special building with a fascinating glass cupola from where is beautiful view on the city.



The hidden gem!


value to visit 5 of 5
easy to reach 5 of 5
The San Clemente basilica was a big surprise! It isn´t so well-known and so popular e.g. like Fontana di Trevi or Colloseum but it is definitely one of the most impressive places which you can see in Rome. Especially go to underground. It is amazing walk! The entrance fee is just 5 Euro.



location 5 of 5
visual aspects 5 of 5
atmosphere 5 of 5
quality of the food 4.5 of 5
staff 4.5 of 5
It is a smaller, cosy restaurant below Prague Castle with a magnificent view on red roofs of houses in Old Prague. Especially sitting at the terrace is impressive. The terrace has a roof, there is a heater and blankets so even when is colder weather you don´t feel cold. You need to provide a booking more then one week in advance. It is always full. The food is excellent but dishes are smaller and prices are higher. But I understand that this place is unique, without a comparison in Prague so you pay for it.



architecture 2.5 of 5
gastronomy 1 of 5
nightlife 1.5 of 5
culture 1 of 5
prices 0.5 of 5
safety 3 of 5
I used to live in Dublin a couple of years and I have to say that it is exceptionally ugly city. Downtown consists only from one street a few hundred metres long. Bridges via the narrow river and panorama don´t dazzle someone who knows other European capitals (e.g. Prague). Everywhere are dilapidated, low buildings with dirty windows and just flat land, no hills. Weather even in summer is cold and humid so you need warm jacket. Top of everything is absolutely crazy system of blind streets. There are only 8 non-blind roads. Others are either blind or unfinished so the city suffers from a permanent constipation, simply because you can´t drive through the streets. Perhaps no other capital of the EU has such a poor public transport and lousy transport infrastructure. A subway doesn´t exist, just two lines of trams (!) and double-deckers. Tickets you have to buy just at the driver, nowhere else (price of a ticket is about 2,50 Euro and you must have coins!). Many of Irishmen ride bicycles, this is only solution how to be somewhere on time. Really terrible experience is looking for renting an apartment. Owners are not ashamed to require 1,400 Euro per month for a small, dirty flat! Interesting thing is that Irishmen believe that their island is the best :-). Maybe they live in too isolated place or probably don´t travel too much...



location 4 of 5
visual aspects 4.5 of 5
atmosphere 5 of 5
quality of the food 5 of 5
staff 5 of 5
To visit SR Fado de Alfama was very special and fantastic experience! I think nowhere else you will find a pub with such friendly and real FAMILY atmosphere. It was like if you came to some party to a private house where are guests from everywhere. First we had a great dinner (sea food with rise, wine) aroun d 8 pm and then around 10 pm we could enjoy the concert of fado music. Ana Marina is a great singer and a fantastic host. There is not too many seats and the restaurant is usually fully booked so you need to provide a booking quite early in advance.
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