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Sinfonia Rossini restaurant - Italian cuisine

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phone+34 913 69 31 78

Sinfonia Rossini restaurant - Italian cuisine

Duque de Medinaceli, 12, 28014 Madrid

Sinfonia Rossini is one of the best Italian restaurants in Madrid. The interior is inviting and cozy , background music is classical. Although the menu is very small and simple, the food is superb. Each plate is well put together and worth a try. The wine list is filled with great Italians. Always ask about fresh seasonal dishes the chef makes that are not on the menu. A great meal with 4 courses and ample wine is about for 50 Euros a person.


Overall score 38th

0 of 5 stars 0 people have rated

location of 5
visual aspects of 5
atmosphere of 5
quality of the food of 5
staff of 5

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