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Interpreters & Transl. in Istanbul

We have 5 entries so far.

  • Asya translation image

Asya translation

webinterpreteristanbul.com phone+90 216 4149 911

Asya Language Services furnishes professional translation services to various prestigious enterprises all over the world with its dynamic translation staff, expert in diverse languages and professional domains.

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  • Alafranga language solutions image

Alafranga language solutions

webturkishtranslationagency.com phone+90 216 549 23 74

Our primary focus is on providing mother-tongue quality document translation and localization solutions using customer -and industry- specific terminology, as well as on providing onsite/telephone interpreting services mainly to private companies, but also governmental and non-governmental bodies worldwide.

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  • Dragoman translation studio image

Dragoman translation studio

webistanbullife.org phone+ 90 212 638 12 15

Dragoman Ltd. is Turkey's leading translation and interpretation company offering services from its offices located in Istanbul, Paris, and London. With a yearly average capacity of 3,000 working days and 25,000 pages of customized-document translations, Dragoman Ltd. has demonstrated time and again unwavering dedication to quality over the past 10 years in becoming one of the industry's key players.

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  • UKT - International Conference interpreters image

UKT - International Conference interpreters

webukt.com.tr phone+90 216 418 66 04

UKT has been offering professional simultaneous and consecutive conference interpretation services since 1964. The majority of the conference interpreters of the sector-leader UKT have initially been trained by Simulta Corporation, specialized in training conference interpreters for the United Nations in Geneva and then for the Economic and Social Studies Conference Board (present-day TESEV) of Turkey and the Ford Foundation.

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  • Sentro image


websentrodil.com phone+90 212 282 45 44

Our professional interpreters can work in all continents without any limitation. • Sentro® works for the success of your events. • Simultaneous Intepretation is the type of interpretation service given by the aid of technical equipment. During simultaneous translation beside the human effort there exist a group of technicians and a set of equipment specially designed to broadcast the voice of the interpreter. • Consecutive Interpretation is the type of interpretation service given only through an interpreter translating consecutively the words of the speaker. The place for this service can be a meeting room, a classroom, a shop floor etc.

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